24-Hour Market
At 2:15 p.m. EST Sunday, trading begins as markets open in Sydney and Singapore. At 7 p.m. EST the Tokyo market opens, followed by London at 2 a.m. EST. And finally, New York opens at 8 a.m. EST and closes at 5 p.m. EST. So, before New York trading closes the Sydney and Singapore markets are back open – it’s a 24 hour seamless market! As a trader, this allows you to react to favorable or unfavorable news by trading immediately. If important data comes in from England or Japan while the U.S. futures market is closed, the next day’s opening could be a wild ride. (Overnight markets in futures currency contracts exist, but they are thinly traded, not very liquid, and are difficult for the average investor to access).Forex Trading TutorialCommission Free Trading
You know what’s great about trading currencies? You pay NO commissions! Because you deal directly with the market maker via a purely electronic online exchange, you eliminate both ticket costs and middleman brokerage fees. There is still a cost to initiating any trade, but that cost is reflected in the bid/ask spread that is also present in futures or equities trading. Brokers are compensated for their services through the bid-ask spread instead of via commissions.Forex Trading TutorialPrice Certainty
When trading Forex, you get rapid execution and price certainty under normal market conditions. In contrast, the futures and equities markets do not offer price certainty or instant trade execution. Even with the advent of electronic trading and limited guarantees of execution speed, the prices for fills for futures and equities on market orders are far from certain. The prices quoted by brokers often represent the LAST trade, not necessarily the price for which the contract will be filled.Forex Trading TutorialGuaranteed Limited Risk
Traders must have position limits for the purpose of risk management. This number is set relative to the money in a trader’s account. Risk is minimized in the spot FX market because the online capabilities of the trading platform will automatically generate a margin call if the required margin amount exceeds the available trading capital in your account. All open positions will be closed immediately, regardless of the size or the nature of positions held within the account. In the futures market, your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you will be liable for any resulting deficit in the account.I hope you enjoy this Forex tutorial, if you are interested in more information and forex trading tutorial, and systems
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wah. pasti guede nih... i jamin .. kagak nahan dah :)
kunjungan malam sobat ku :)
tnggi PR lu sob:)
gmne cra ny??
gmn tinggi sob, masih nol kok.. :D
mungkin alexanya yah?
@viewwit: ngga kok sob, masih kecil2 aja dari kemaren :(
Hello! I was here for my daily blog walking visit. Please visit my blog back. Thank U! :-)
@Sam Thank's for coming ^,^
Gag ngerti sama forex. hehe
ngab$en balik sob..
maap nih ngisi disini alx gk muncul2 buku tamux
habis blogmu terllu berat untuk koneksiku sob.
@Rezdown7 Bukannya ngak muncul sob, sengaja ane remove dulu biar CTR turun, wkkwkw
btw makasih sob..
Ki$$ balik shob... blogx lumayan berat, mnding widget iklan GA dipsang dri pda widget yg gak pnting kya dsmping... sorry skedar saran... jngn trsinggung yah...??? :-D
@Bang Ojeck : Ane tampung dulu sarannya sob.. hehehe
Visit and follow...
ab$en $uk$e$ $ob..Ab$en balik ya...
hmmm...niche (HPK) yang bagus bro...cuma agak berat nich untuk koneksi inet saya...xixixi.
saya senggol dikit ya, semoga bermanfaat.
Ab$en dulu bo$ :)
@Nindya $enggolan balik lgsg ane lancarkan sis ^^
@Loserba Ab$en Balik terlaksana bro xixixi
Ki$$ back sobat ku ,,,,
real ki$$ silakan dicek ...
@Music For Today tanpa ampun langsung ane hajar tuh ad$$ hehehe
kindly visit my blog for info about automobile specification. click on ads for support!
ab$$en sobat
@vly47 ane langsung meluncur dah..
Nice Blog...visit my blog ... I hope we can exchange links .. greetings..
@Dunia Ian : okeh ane trima sob ^^
kunjungan teman :))
oya gunax CTR diturunin untuk apa sob,,
mohon penjelasaxx :)
kunjungan siang , binggung kalo nggak ada Guest book...wkwkkwkw
Datang nganter soto amrik
kunjungan exclusive he..he... sambil bawa soto ayam :p
silahkan dinikmati.
visit here,,
hello..good afternoon.i'm here with special have it a nice day and success for you
kiss back sukses sob.... n sekedar ngasih tahu sobat,
Selamat Sobat Dapat Award dari Saya
silahkan dicek....
sipp deh :))
@all Jang lupa LIKE BOX nya di Like biar dapet pahala wkwkwk :D
Berkunjung, sob..
sob pollingx dah jelas tuh sob,,turunin lah dikit bebaxx blogmu,,biar pengunjung nyaman kesini,,km tau sendiri kn koneksi di indo kyk gmn,,kyk yg saya alami ini :( (sekedar saran)
oy udh di like n Ngab$$en balik sob
nice blog guys..
udh dilike, skalian $mile. $mile back ya
Absen Bradar ..... telah di antar Balik Bro... Pesanannya
Nice blog, thanks for sharing
Ga ngerti forex sob, beri k$$$$ back ya
Data berkunjung malam hari sob :)
what is Fore:x
ab$en $uk$e$ men...
Ki$$ 10 for u to day, ki$$ 10 me back Pls
ane juga msh blom ngerti ama forex. Emang CTR GA yg aman berapa sob :)
volka ikut ptc dari ku mau,,??
kunjungan persahabatan sekalian follow ...kunjung balik n follow back bro?? PLS
@Rhan-D ki$$ balik meluncur sob...
@Shan makasih yak, tapi maap masih belom bisa ane ambil
@Berbagi Ilmu dibwah 7 % yg aman CTR nya sob
@Musyari Aulia ikut ptcnya, ntar2an aja deh :D
@No Name udah ane kunjung + follback tuh ane no36
cepek nulisnya ...
mana yg mau di langsingkan sob...wahhh...lebih endut punya ku sob..bantu up ya.?? btw salam kenal.
kunjungan persahabatan sekalian Follow Jangan lupa kunjuangan balik dan Follow...
lemaknya dah diturunkan bro.... ^_^ dan Likenya juga... Jgn Lupa Susutkan Juga di sini Sob TY Bradar
hadir lagi sob :)
kunjungan :)
Gaiety as lighthearted as the summer wind
... dazzling as the summer sun...
enchanting as the spectacular summer sky
peaceful & restful as the silent summer night...
my wish for you for this lovely weekend
have a fabulous day my friend take care ;)
@SEM SUPER JEANS: follow balik sukses sob, ane no 11 ^^
membantu ngecilin si tante alexanya sobat.,,
$enggolan akhir pekan,, sob..
belum suka bermain forex aku gan
setoran Rutin Jam 3 Bro
hehe, thanks ya...
Thanks kunjungannya sob, link sobat uda sy pajang tuh di blog sy, plis link back y sob, trims....
hay... kunjungan perdana .. follow#173 ..
follow back me ya...
Mampir lg ne sob, beri ki$$ lagi..klo sempat bls ki$$ nya
Selamat Malam Sobat :)
ngab$en balik sob
@Andhika: follow balik sukses gan
@Rhan-D : menuju tkp ane ga,, ki$$ balik ane lancarkan
@Rezdown : malam juga sob ^^
Aku udah follow ya...follow back ya
@Admin Follow balik sukses
paket komplit, visit, kiss, like FB ;)
@Febby Indra: makasih sob ata kerjasamanya ^,^
Ok, sob..lanjutkan blogwalkingnya.. biar gak kegemukan, hehehe..
permisi.. mo ki$$, visit, n silaturrahmi.. real ki$$ silahkn d cek.. :-D
Kunjungan balik gan, nice blog....
Tukeran link n follow balik ya...
link sudah terpasang
jalan2 sobb...
berkunjung sobat :)
Nice blog gan, follow back success.. ;D
nggak bisa bahasa Inggris, mau koment apa ne...? binun... hehehehe
udah ini aja komentar ku ya...
@Bang_Andre: makasih sob
@maskolis: lanjut aja lah... :D
sudah terpasang dgn baik gan, silahkan di cek :)
Pengen juga Mendalami ilmu tentang FOrex..selain Penghasilan yang ditawarkan lumayan juga lho!!.....
Kiss here, berbagi rejeki :) Sekalian tolong bantu ngelang$ingin alexa ya $$ob :P
"Oia, Ngomong-ngomong ada yang mau tukeran link ga ?? Kalo ada silahkan pasang link di blogroll sobat. Dan tinggalkan komentar di Health Go Health untuk konfirmasi pemasangan link, dan secepatnya saya akan pasang link sobat di blogroll saya. Terimakasih, salam hangat dan sukses selalu untuk anda :)"
visit,follow and back link success gan..
balik ya gan
Berkunjung, sob..
thank you.. :D
ane seneng deh sama blog ini, alexa ny head to head terus :) mantabz boss :P
blogwalking, please visit me back...:D
Tukeran Link Sobat...
Link sobat sudah saya pasang di
link back ane tunggu... ^.^
salam kenal juga semuanya...
pornn!! porrnn!!! trafik tumpang laluan.. ngak jumpa shoutbox nya.. makain gue komen di sini aja ya..
jom tukaran link jika sudi.. :-)
tengkew gan kesediaanya,...
lanjutkan gan tutorial" berikutnya
salam bloger
Terselubung sekali bertandang ke volka.. :)
met sore sahabat...... komens disin aja yah... :D
kunjungan super dimalam hari...
numpang koment ya sob....
(sory baru bsa bales kunjungannya...)
iya nih.. dah rede kembali
dimana guest book nya?
aku nyari2 kok ga ktemu...
btw, ki$$ balik sob, mampir lagi ya besok
@Husni: Guestbook ane cabut dulu sob ^,^
ngab$en balik sob :)
Shoutbox-nya dimana sob..???
ga ada ya..???
@Adi: shoutbox lagi ane cabut dulu sob :D
tiap hari kesini ngerjain tugas harian, tapi gak bisa ninggalin jejak, pren... keep visit ya..
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tq kerna telah meng'add' url blog sy ke link sahabat anda.. url blog anda juga telah sy add di fren list sy.. slamat ber'blogging' :-) keep in touch ya sahabat!
done follow...visit my blog...
berkunjung dulu sob..
Hey nice blog visit me on for some interesting articles on the green world.
Bantuin jg ya $$$
link dah terpasang shob
ane masih newbie bro.... :p
jadi kagak ngerti yang beginian...
sundulan have done $$
Keren Gan...!!!
Maaf baru bisa berkunjung... Sibuk berat ! hehe..
100% ki$$ sob..
ab$en balik untukmu :)
Nice to meet you
link eschange please .. :D
kunjungan persahabatan
link uda dipasang
mampir yach
follow me
mampir...skalian pasang link...linknya check in "Best Frenz"
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